Hawkeye Observatory  /  Scudco Telescope

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Hawkeye Observatory
was built in 2006. It is 14' x 16' roll off roof design. It is located 42°26'20.20"n by 89°19'35.24"w at an elevation of 758'. The main feature is the three drop down walls to add to viewing pleasure. I also have the Scope connected into the house with a LAN.

42.438 x -89.326 @ 231m elevation
Scudco Telescope
is an ongoing ATM project. It was first built in 1992.  Major mount design changes were made in 1994. OTA changes were done in 2006. The scope is an 18"f4.5 mounted on a GEM.  The O.T.A. is setup on a set of rotating rings that can put the eyepiece at an advantageous viewing angle. The servo drive is made by Sidereal technology. It carries a Galaxy Optics mirror. There is a 3.50" secondary & a JMI crayford focuser. It's equipped with Sky Commander DSC, and that's interfaced to a desktop that's running MegaStar. My camera is now a STC-7, SC2 guider, AO-8A adaptive optics.

The Name  Scudco came abouts because we (my nephew & I) started building the scope right after the Gulf War.
Peoples first impression was that it looked like a missile launcher.